Actionable Solutions for Stephisha's Critical Issues: Key Priorities Unveiled

I never waiver in making a genuine commitment to upholding educational justice. Educational justice refers to the commitment that we as community leaders make to ensure that every single student in the county of Alameda has equal access to a safe and secure learning environment as well as equal access to the proper tools and educational resources that will ultimately improve their educational outcomes. These should not be based on socioeconomic background, the neighborhood they live in or the systemic inequalities they may be facing. Educational justice knows no prejudice.

As a 3rd grader, my parents advocated for education. From GATE to AP and Honors classes I was properly prepared so now I fight to give back.

I am that Freedom Fighter.

2. Stephisha's Commitment to Budgetary Oversight & Transparency

Considering the state of our current school districts, I am deeply committed to thoroughly reviewing, approving (or denying) and monitoring the countywide education budget while working closely with the County Superintendent of Schools to allocate resources, ensure fiscal responsibility, and prioritize funding for programs and services that benefit students and schools. Accountability & oversight are non-negotiable.

I believe wholeheartedly that student outcomes will never change unless adult behavior do.

I am that change.

3. Stephisha's Commitment to Special Education

4. Stephisha's Commitment to Appeals & Disputes

I am deeply committed to providing oversight and support for special education programs in the county. I am also committed to ensuring that students with disabilities receive appropriate services, advocate for inclusive practices and address any concerns or disputes related to special education. The way in which our districts allocate funds around special education particularly matters because for most special education students, school is the one stable community that exists. Without it, life seems chaotic.

I am the aunt of 2 special needs students, both 8 and 9 years old, both on the Autistic spectrum and both are brilliant. Every student learns under different circumstances & as community leaders it's our responsibility to accommodate those circumstances.

I am that advocate.

As an advocate for educational justice, I am deeply committed to serving residents who may have appeals and disputes involving educational matters within Alameda County, specifically Area 2. Individuals and organizations can depend on my commitment to educational equality and justice for all when seeking resolution or reviewing previous decisions made by local districts. I'll remain committed to being open to receiving all concerns as they come to the county board for reconsideration.

As a parent of a student who has attended district and charter schools, we have appeared before the city board many times and sought the support of the county board. Advocating with respect is what's to be expected.

I am that parent.

1. Stephisha's Commitment to Educational Justice

5. Stephisha's Commitment to Safety for LGBTQIA+ Students

My commitment to campus and community safety is unparalleled as a member of this community. Starting with voicing the importance of

1. Gender neutral bathrooms

2. Speaking out and striking down "Outing Policies" at the county and district level

3. Advocating for trans youth to have the opportunity to compete on teams with players who self-identify in the same way they do

4. Supporting healthcare for all.

Alameda County is plagued with gun violence, hate crimes and bullying. Whether on campus or in the community, I honor my commitment at all times to deliver viable solutions to protect our children. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ family, I actively voice my support for our trans youth students as well as their family members and will continue to fight against the systemic injustices that perpetuate themselves in our educational system.

Research shows that LGBTQIA+ teens may be more likely to struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts due to discrimination, bullying, and family rejection, but we have the opportunity to decrease the number of students in our county who feel this way by providing adequate support at the county level. Being a minority and LGBTQIA+ is sometimes too much for a student to carry alone. I'd know... I use to be that student!

Here's what our community members say...

I am not a career politician, unlike some of my opponents. I say what I mean and vote for what I believe actual Oaklanders desire in our community.

Treva Reid, D7 Oakland City Councilmember

”It's important for teachers to make learning meaningful, fun, and culturally relevant in order for students to be engaged and take ownership of their learning to be successful academically, socially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.”

Mr. Ray, Cox Academy 3rd Grade Teacher

Unfortunately, there seems to be a culture of those who are afforded advanced educational opportunity and those who are not. I will help to guarantee that equitable opportunity is afforded all students.

Clif Thompson, D7 OUSD Director