Vote for Stephisha Ycoy-Walton in the Alameda County School Board Election

Be an early supporter! We appreciate the continued support in helping to elect Stephisha Ycoy-Walton to ACOE 2024. Thank you.

Stephisha Ycoy-Walton & CA State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond at the EB Stonewall Dems Trans Youth Breakfast

Stephisha Ycoy-Walton at the OUSD Latino Family Summit doing science hosted at Fremont H.S.

When I dare to be powerful — to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

–Audre Lorde

$1 Makes a Difference Your $1 donation keeps the campaign moving and allows Stephisha Ycoy-Walton's to fight another day.

$25 Supports Outreach Materials Your $25 donation helps us create informative flyers and materials to spread Stephisha Ycoy-Walton's message to more households across Alameda.

$50 Fuels Social Media Campaigns With $50, we can boost our social media presence, reaching a wider audience and engaging Alameda residents with our campaign updates and vision.

$100 Enables Local Events Your generous $100 donation supports the organization of local town halls and community events, providing opportunities for direct interactions between Stephisha Ycoy-Walton and Alameda voters.

$250 Powers Phone Banking A $250 contribution helps us conduct effective phone banking efforts, allowing us to have meaningful conversations with voters and share Stephisha Ycoy-Walton's platform.

$500 Drives Digital Advertising With $500, we can invest in targeted digital advertising campaigns, ensuring that Stephisha Ycoy-Walton's message reaches key demographics throughout Alameda.

$1000 Supports Grassroots Advocacy Your $1000 donation helps fund grassroots advocacy efforts, including door-to-door canvassing and community outreach initiatives to engage voters directly.

$2500 Boosts Visibility A $2500 donation significantly boosts our campaign's visibility by supporting high-impact advertising initiatives, raising awareness about Stephisha Ycoy-Walton's candidacy across Alameda.

How Your Donations Help...

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We Look Forward to Hearing From You